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Animal Communicator

Intuitive Awareness and Energy Dynamics ®
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Intuitive Awareness

electric lightDo you ever know who is on the phone before you answer? Or get a funny feeling in the pit of your stomach? There's a reason that we say things like "trust your gut" or "her ears must be burning." There is an understanding that there is another way to move through the world, beyond the five senses. But most of us in the United States have been taught not to trust our intuitive sensibility. Have you ever been late for work, and you have the feeling that you should take one route, but it doesn't make any logical sense, so you take the route that your left brain tells you is the most appropriate, and find yourself in a traffic jam. As you sit getting later and later for work, you think to yourself, I just knew I should have taken the other route. I should have trusted my first thought.

We all have the ability to intuit things about people and events. For some of us, this ability has been silenced. For others, the information we receive is so loud as to be distracting. But the truth is, we are all intuitive beings, and unfortunately, in our Western culture, this ability has not been valued and has been deemed "women's intuition" and devalued with the rest of what is considered to be feminine. The truth is, that men, women, children, and animal beings are all intuitive beings. Animal beings are very connected to their intuitive sides and move through the world using those abilities in remarkable ways. It has been shown that dogs and cats will begin to pace and wait for their human guardians long before they have even turned onto the street to go home. Babies are born intuitive beings, knowing the feel of their parents' energy systems, before their eyes and ears can discern physical realities.

As adults, some of us have a lot to learn about trusting that voice inside that guides us. Others are so aware of it that they do not realize that others don't share their ability to actually feel other people's feelings, or understand a situation at many levels. It is important, especially in Western culture, to learn to value and understand the information that comes to us every day in many ways.

Energy Dynamics

womanWe live in a sea of energy-based information and our bodies are our tool for understanding that information. We have seven main chakras associated with each body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word for spinning wheel, and our chakras can be thought of as spinning wheels of energy. We have a crown chakra, the seventh chakra, located at the top of our head, or crown. A sixth chakra, in the area of what some call the third eye, located in the center of our head. A fifth chakra, associated with our throats. A fourth chakra, or the heart chakra, associated with our heart. The third chakra, associated with our solar plexus. The second chakra, above our pelvic bones, and the first chakra, or root chakra, at the base of our spine. Our chakras are only one aspect of our energy system. We each also have an aura that surrounds our entire body. The aura is a protective energy field around each person. Some people wear their auras very close to their physical body and some people wear their auras very wide. This accounts for some differences in people's comfort level with what is known as personal space. The chakras and the aura are just two components of our energy system. Understanding that energy system and learning to maintain it for one's physical health and well-being
is one aspect of Energy Dynamics®

For more information on Intuitive Awareness and Energy
Dynamics® contact Christiann at
and please put "Intuition" in the subject line. Or, write to: 
Christiann Klein, P.O. Box 56992, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 
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